For this assignment i decided to design a faucet for the bathroom environment. I wanted to make the faucet different fromt he ones already on the market. To do this i wanted to add LED lights into the faucet, but i thought this would be too difficult as water and electricity doesnt go side to side, so i researched into thermochromism and decided to go down that road. Its esentially paint that fades under certain temperature. eg those cups where images appear when hot water is put in, but instead of an image i have blue coat which turns to red so that it indicates temperature.
The reason why i wanted to visually show the temperature in the form of blue and red was to give the user an experience when using the tap, and give them a visual aid of how hot or cold the water is.
The tap is also retractable so it helps people when they want to wash their hair int he sink or wash their babies and other particular tasks.
White enamel is used as the external surface so that the colors of the thermochomic paint can be greatly constrasted against the white rather then the ordinary chrome.
The handles were designed so that u could use them in a variety of ways, u can push them with ur palm, urfinger, the back of ur hand, twist it at the base. This gives more versatility when using the tap. I decided that the tap would be pushed backwards rather then pulled forwards so that when washing ur hair or other tasks, the handles wouldnt be int he way.